Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Discussion question 5

Hi all!  Your response to this blog should appear no later than midnight on Nov. 23.

In the last discussion you were asked to think about a prized possession that it would be difficult to lose.  Building on this (in a way) imagine that you are told you are moving.  You are moving tomorrow.  You will be moved to a place where you will be doing hard labor.  You will not return (EVER!) to your home.  There are no convenience stores or hotels or restaurants awaiting you.

You will be able to bring with you only one small suitcase.  It must weigh less than 50 pounds. 
What are the 15-20 items you will pack into that suitcase to bring?
If you're really motivated and want to figure out a way to actually pack this bag and photograph it---feel free to attach a photo of it!
Good luck!


  1. I would bring the following.
    -My cell phone
    - Cell phone charger
    -ipod charger
    -My bear my boyfriend gave me
    -My journal
    -Clothes (all bad ones, except for 1 good pair)
    -Makeup (gonna stick with routine)
    -Gold coins (gold is worth money anywhere)
    -Birth certificate
    -Pictures of my family, and me
    I think that’s about it. Even though I feel like I’m missing something big here.

  2. I think I would bring...
    1. pictures of my family, friends, my boyfriend, god daughter, and my two dogs
    2. my cell phone
    3. a sudoku book
    4. jeffrey, my stuff dog from my boyfriend
    5. my favorite clothes
    6. my wallet with money
    7. my ring and necklace from my boyfriend
    8. my personal heater
    9. my ugg boots
    10. birth certificate
    11. my nikon camera
    12. lotion
    13. a notebook to write down things that happen to me
    14. writing utensils
    15. cell phone charger
    16. camera charger

    I can't think of anything else besides those few things. I don't think I would have to take a lot with me if that ever did happen.

  3. The few things I would take:
    1 Couple Pairs of Clothes
    2 toothbrush & toothpaste
    3 shower products
    4 Ipod w/headphones
    5 Ipod Charger
    6 Cell Phone
    7 Cell Phone Charger
    8 Basic Medical Kit
    9 Wallet with money
    10 Birth Certificate
    11 Social Security Card
    12 Passport
    13 Knife
    14 Family Photos
    15 Gloves

  4. I would bring the following:
    1. My Laptop w/charger
    2. Books to read
    3. My Ipod
    4. My drivers license
    5. Pics of my family and puppies
    6. My saxophone
    7. A sketchbook w/pencil
    8. Gum
    9. My school ring
    10. My xbox w/games
    11. Food and water
    12. A candler
    13. Money
    14. Cloths of course
    15. My most prized possession

  5. i would bring..
    1.) my cell phone
    2.)cell phone charger
    3.) ipod and charger
    4.) pictures of my family, friends and boyfriend
    5.) shampoo/conditioner
    6.) my sketchbook
    7.) My wallet with money and ID
    8.) a couple pairs of clothes and a comfy sweatshirt
    9.) snack foods
    10.) water
    11.)books and magazines
    12.)my camera
    13.)writing utensils
    14.)first aid kit/medicine
    15.)my laptop

  6. 1)chapstick
    2)socks, gloves, hat
    3)a thick jacket
    -because warmth will probably be very important so I'd be willing to sacrafice for something like that.
    4)waterproof shoes
    -wet shoes suck.
    5)a basic antibiotic
    6)durable jeans.
    7)a few shirts
    8)down blanket
    -theyre light but very warm
    9)a pack of gum
    -if its hard labor chances are dry mouth, gum would help with that.
    -chances are it wont be provided.
    11)protein bars
    -neutrition and energy
    12)if cameras were allowed I would take one
    -to document what was happening in the chance that it doesnt get destroyed.

  7. The few things I would take are:
    Non-perishable food items
    Birth certificate
    Pictures of my family
    Laptop (with charger)
    Personal Hygiene items
    Medical Kit
    Social Security Card
    Some kind of weapon
    Ipod (with charger)

  8. If I had to bring whatever I could put in a small suitcase it would include:
    1. My cell phone
    2. My cell phone charger
    3. Pictures of my family, my two nieces, my friends and my two dogs
    4. My camera
    5. Durable clothes for the labor
    6. A blanket
    7. Gum
    8. Non-perishable food
    9. Water
    10. Extra pair of shoes
    11. My wallet with my ID and money in it
    12. Chapstick
    13. Lotion
    14. Shower necessities
    15. Notebook and pen
    16. First Aid kit
    17. Birth certificate
    18. Advil

  9. I wouldnt know what to bring. I'd be so upset that I would have to move.

    1 toothbrush/toothpaste
    2 deoderant
    3 clothes
    4 ipod
    5 phone
    6 money
    7 family photos
    8 food
    9 medications
    10 water/drinks
    11 important documents
    12 first aid kit
    13 jackets
    14 boots/shoes
    15 gloves
    16 glasses/contact

  10. I would probably bring these items...
    1) family photo's
    2) phone/ charger
    3) tooth brush/ toothpaste
    4) favorite clothes
    5) birth certificate
    6) yummy food
    7) a lot of water and juice bags
    8) ipod/charger
    9) social security number
    10) chapstick
    11) wallet with money
    12) comfy sweatshirts
    13) blanket/pillow
    14) fuzzy socks
    15) shampoo/conditioner
    16) pencil/notebook
    17) camera/charge
    18) warm hat/gloves/winter jacket
