Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Discussion Question 2

Please respond to the following question before midnight Sept. 28 (an E-Day)
 How do you feel when you’re told what to wear or to go to church?  When do you choose to follow what your parents or other authorities tell you to do and when do you resist?

(We're trying to get a sense of when it is right, good, appropriate to follow authority and when it is appropriate or even important to respond to it differently.)

Just a few thoughts-- or really questions.  Does it matter what or who the authority is?  If reasons are given does that make a difference?  Does habit play a factor?  Are friends authorities is any way? What about crossing the line with friends?

Great comments so far.  Thanks for taking this seriously.
If you're a "late blogger" (posting after the 23rd) respond to other responses.  It's a conversation of sorts.


  1. I don't like being told what to do but I often find it's easy to tell other people what they should do. I follow what my parents tell me if it's simple things they are asking like helpin gout or going to some event. If it's something regarding my future, I won't if I feel I don't want that in my future. I guess the short term things I will listen to them but long term things that could affect myfuture I leave up to myself.

  2. Being told what to do sometimes irritates me.. I'd prefer if someone would ask me rather than demand something be done. When my parents ASK me to do the dishes or take care of our pets i will generally get that done. Other times, when I don't do what they ask, I'm generally not in the mood t do anything or i just completely forget that they asked. Normally you should follow authority, but sometimes it isn't right. No matter what though, never be drawn in by peer pressure. It's easier to follow friends then authority because friends are genereally easier to trust..

  3. This is coming from someone who honestly doesn't give half a (censored) about religion or going to church, but whenever my mom drags me along, I never do it willingly. I drag my heels, I take my sweet sweet time, even though I know she's probably frothing at the mouth by the time I decide to get in the car with my brothers and sisters. And when I actually get to church, I find an excuse to get up, and I use it to just wander around outside. Better that than sitting around listening to gospel readings. ... I ranted, I'm sorry. :p

    As for the question, though, I know my place. I know when I should and shouldn't do as I'm told. I will freely admit that I am lazy, and that I also have a tendancy to forget one thing while focusing on another. I'll listen when I'm told to do the usual things around the house and such. But when I'm asked to do something that REALLY makes me have to go out of my way in order to get it done, odds are I'll say no.

  4. @Gone So Young: A good point. I really hate it when my parents demand things from me. (there really does need to be an option to edit your own posts... -_-)

  5. i don't like when I'm told what to wear because what you wear is a reflexion of your personality and what you want to wear is your own choice. I also don't think you should be made to go to church because I personally am not interested in going but I have to when my parents make me. I feel like i should have the choice if i even want to participate in going to church. Even when i am made to, i don't pay any attention so there really isn't a point for me even going. I only follow what my parents say when it has to do with something that needs to get done like the laundry or cleaning my room or even taking care of the dogs. I also follow authority figures for example people i work with especially my managers and boss because that is my job and I got hired and is payed to follow under their direction. I know after my 17 years of being alive when to follow what someone says and when i really don't have to. I know what the right things to do and I will follow them.

  6. It really depends on who is telling me what to do and what they are telling me to do. If its my parents I value what they say but also I think for myself. If they are telling me to go to church its a little different then lets say what college I should go to I believe thats more of my choice. Other example is at my job I do what I am told because I'm getting paid and I wouldn't want to get fired. I agree with Ashley i think that after 17 years I've gained the ability to choose for myself but then again its still nice to have someone with more life wisdom to help me when I'm not completely sure what to do.

  7. I also don't really like being told what to do. Because then when I'm told to do something, I probably wont want to do it. Or if its something I need to get done I'll put it off. I feel that you shouldn't need to tell people what to wear to church, because people should have the common sense not to wear inappropriate clothing at mass. You are old enough to know how to present yourself respectively, and if people are told to dress a certain way, a little bit of them may want to rebel. Obviously I listen to my teachers when they assign assignments and when my parents ask for help around the house, but when it starts getting to be about my future I leave that up to myself.

  8. ( ANNIE LUCIUS) I absolutely hate it when my parents tell me what to wear. They typically don't the same fashion sense as i do, therefore what they tell me to wear is ugly. They do tell me to go to church, i usually object or try to wiggle my way out of it, but i end up going anyway. I just look at it as a time to see old grade school friends. I follow my parents when it more about my future. My mom is very helpful in the area of applying for colleges and things along that line. As for my dad, i listen to him for golf, and mostly sports. But there are plenty of times when i do not want to listen to my parents.

  9. Well, since I'm a cantor at church, being told to go to church is no big deal. I'm not a "jesus lover", i just like to sing. But being told what to wear to church and other places is a different story. My dad doesn't care about what I wear just as long as I look presentable, but Mom on the other hand pretty tries to dictate what I wear for everything. She says that a pair of nice black cargo shorts, a royal blue belt, a button down flannel and flip-flops don't look good. Dad said I looked fine. Mom needs to chill. I've got class, but I'm not rich. My parents are awesome....but I'd like it if they let me make those little decisions myself.

  10. Whenever I go out, I like to look at least presentable; as for being told what to do, I usually listen to the people with higher authority who controls something that makes my life a lil less complicated (employer, teacher, sometimes parents). If i'm told to do something I'm not comfortable with, then it ain't gonna happen.

  11. Ashley,
    Totally agree with what your saying about church, work, and how you dress reflects your personality.

  12. After being told what to do, I lose the ambition to do it sometimes. Like now that I am "supposed" to do it, I just don't want to. Most often though, I do end up doing what I'm told to by higher authorities because most often times there's no reason for me to not do them. But if I were told to do something I know is wrong or that I wouldn't want to, then I wouldn't do it. Also, people may not like it but I think if you don't want to do something, you should also respectfully decline. Everyone deserves respect, and sometimes that is all that people are looking for, whether they say it or not. So if it's a simple task or something you don't want to do, either do it or respectfully decline.

  13. I hate being told what to wear, like at school, however school is an authorty I have to follow. Sometimes after we are told to do somthing, you feel like you have to test your luck and see if you can get away with doing what you were told not to do. This however usually ends bad, and people should just follow authorities in the first place.

  14. I dont care when I;m told what to wear as long as there is a good reason behind it. I dont care if my parents make me go to church either, because I just use that time to clear my head and just sit there and not think. Its relaxing to me. And it gets brownie points with parents. I pretty much just follow them, I mean, if they got pissed enough they could pull me out of Pius and stuff. Im moving out soon anyway. Then it wont matter if i wear jeans to church or anything. I choose to follow someones instructions if they are in a position I desire. Because you can learn their tricks, and mabey even take over their spot, leading you in a position of power. I'd rather siently take control than rebel and fight. Its just to expected and predictable.

  15. Well, when i'm told to do something (homework,etc) I can't really argue the matter, but I know when to listen and who has the authority over me. I would like to think that I am my own person, and I can do what I want without someone to control my life. When it comes to friends, I think they are more of my peers then people who have authority over me and i don't think I am the type of person to want to have authority over one of my friends. It makes sense if it's a parent or a teacher reprimanding us for school or other things, but I don't like the idea of someone in complete power of everybody. SO yes it does matter at least to me.

  16. To be honest, I hate it when people tell me what to wear or what to do. If it was my parents telling me to do the dishes, go to church, or do the laundry I would do it. It’s my parents’ responsibility to raise me and prepare me for the real world and by going to church every weekend it actually gives me something to do besides sitting at home in front of the television. If I was wearing short shorts and a tank top to church, I would probably get yelled at by my mom to change because it’s not appropriate attire for church and is too revealing. I'll only change depending on who is telling me I should. I try to avoid having people taking advantage of me and using me as their Barbie doll, and pick out my clothes or tell me to change because I look ugly in that outfit or am wearing the same shirt as them. I dress to impress myself, not you.

  17. In response to Melanie's comment: I totally agree with you about losing ambition to do something after being told do. It makes you seem like you don't have a say in anything.

    It also matters to me which authority figure tells me to do something though. For instance, I would be much more willing to resist or speak up if it were my parents than if it were my boss.

  18. I don't like being told what to do. If my parents tell me to do something, I won't do it or I put up a fight. It does matter who the authoirty is. For an example, if a teacher or my grandparents would tell me to do something I would do it no questions asked. I think habit does play a factor because you know what your parents will deal with, but you don't always know how your teachers and grandparents will react if you start a fight/argument with them. I think friends are an authority because they will tell you what they think and if you are a true friend you will listen and friends can cross the line.

  19. I dont really care what I am told to wear to church. Its only an hour. I can guarantee that everyone dresses up for school or at least looks half decent. Just look like yourself to look nice when you go to a special event.

  20. I agree with Jake, just look presentable!

  21. Good coments so far! Remember Wednesday is the deadline!

  22. i know when i go to church my mom always tells me that i am not supposed to show my arms i never really got the point of that. usually when she tries to tell me to toned down what i have on i try to wear a jacket and look presentable, nothing to over the top. most of the time i dont care as long as i am comfortable. they say come as you are so thats what i do.

  23. Most of the time when I go to church, my parents dont tell me what to wear because usually what i chose isnt inaproprite for church. But there are times when my parents have told me not to wear certain cloths for church. occasionally i try to look at it the way my parents see it and try to find my it is inaproprite and usually end up changing. i try not to make a big deal out of it most of the time.

  24. in response to Jake Kulas comment: I agree with listerning to the people with authority and can relate to you when you like to look presentable in public.

  25. my parents dont really tell me what to do anymore its probably becasue i never see them and they trust me. when my mom asks me to wear something nice and have a good attitude i do it and thats the way its always been. she knows she can trust me. i thinks this works because i listen to them and they listen to me.

  26. I dont like people telling me what to do. But most often i do like telling people what to do.But i mainly agree with what ava says.

  27. i dont really like being told what to do, or what to wear. but it also depends on who its coming from. being told what to wear to church shouldnt be an issue i dont think. im pretty sure nobody would go in sweats in sandals. well not me atleast. but if im wearing something im not suppose to and i get yelled at about there better be a good reason for it.

  28. As far as being told what to do, to me it depends on who its coming from, what they're telling me to do, and how they're saying it. I personally prefer to be asked to do something, not told. I just respond better. And usually do it. As far as being told what to wear, it makes sense in some settings. At school, I have to follow dress code. Everybody does. That's fine. At work, I have to dress to match the style of clothes we sell and also be appropriate. At church, I would dress appropriate for that setting too. I think that people should dress for where they're going. It has nothing to do with individuality as some people say. Like at school, when they say uniforms take away individuality. No, it makes everyone equal and lets people focus on personalities instead of possessions. In my opinion, being told what to wear in a sense is a good thing. And dressing for setting is always important.

  29. Cassie, I totally agree with you. I would much rather be asked to do something, rather than just told. Like Melanie said, after being told, you kind of lose the ambition. As for what we are told to wear, I agree with Cassie on this also. Dress for the occasion. You don't necessarily have to wear a certain outfit someone tells you to wear, just have respect and be aware of the clothing choices you make for certain places.
