Thursday, October 27, 2011

Discussion Question 4

You've all been doing a very good job of thinking about these questions and then writing thoughtfully about them.  Thanks!  This blog post is due Nov. 9.  (Wednesday-E-Day)

I'd like you to think about something you consider to be a prized "possession"--something you're proud of, worked hard for, feel like it would be hard to do without.  Maybe a car, maybe a pet, maybe a special gift from a grandparent, maybe an award you won, maybe a photo of something special, maybe a family heirloom......

Describe what it is that you consider so important.  Why is it so important to you?  What if the police or some other intimidating government official took it away from you?  How would you feel?  What would you do?


  1. Something very important to me is my family. They are very important ot me because they are my whole world. Sure we fight and stuff but i love them and i know that they love me. They are always very annoying but i love them very much esspecially my tac sister anna b. If the police or anyone took them away from me i would be devestated. i lived with my family for practically 15 years and they have done so much for me. they were there for me when i was sick when i graduated 8th grade. when i entered high school for the first time. they were there for it all and i cant thank them for everything they have done for me. i would try my best to get them back and keep them with me in my heart.
    Kristina H.

  2. My house is a very important part of my life. It's where I have lived and where I am growing up and all my belongings and family live in my house. Not having a home would just be an empty spot in my life, my house is well it's my home. If someone tried to take away my home then they would have to get past me. I would protect my home with my life to protect my family, pets, etc. I wouldn't let anyone make it that far eater. If someone did take away my home I would probably feel alone and without comfort (warmth). And,as I said, if they do or try they are gonna have a hard time because I will defend my home to the end.

  3. I would feel very upset if someone tried to take my dog from me. When I was little I always wanted a dog but I had to wait until I was older to get one. It would make me angry if someone took him away because I had to wait so long to get him. Even though my dog can be really annoying sometimes, i still love him and it was worth the wait. I would try my best to get my dog back.

  4. If someone tried to take away my car, I'd be willing to go to some... extreme... lengths to keep it. I need my car, for obvious reasons. And to have it taken away from me would be completely discombobulating, among other things. If the government took it away, I'd obviously be a bit angry, to say the least. I would try to get it back. How, though, is something I'm not sure about.

    Oh, and I like how all the other things above my post are all the essential things, with the possible exception of sarah's dog.

  5. I would consider my dog to be my prized possession. It would be hard to live without him because he is always there for me. He doesn't ever talk back and always listens so thats a plus. He always gives unconditional love. Even though he doesn't talk he is always there to comfort me after a bad day. If someone would ever take him away from me, I would be devastated. I would do everything possible to get him back. I think he would be devastated as well because he depends on me for a lot of things and I'm always there to comfort him if he is not feeling good.

  6. A prized possession to me would be my little sister. She is an important person in my life because I am known as her inspiration and I love to spend time with her. She also has ways that she can encourage me to work at the best of my ability to be come a better person/ role model for her.

  7. My prized possession would deff have to be is my ability to play basketball because without it i do not no would i would for my free time and it is my fav sport.

  8. Something special that I would be upset if anyone took away from me is my gold necklace from my boyfriend of 2+ years. This is important to me because when I see it, when I feel sad, or angry or something, I can remember that I am loved and I am going to pull through ok. I never take this necklace off. If the government took it away, I would want to ask why, and wonder how the heck they got it from me in the first place. Seriously. Its on me 24/7. Where does it say they can so this? If they took it away, of course I would be sad, but I would have to move on. Material things can only carry you so far, and if it’s gone, then fine. I won’t die. I’ll be ok.

  9. One of my possessions that I truely value is a letter I recieved from a friend. I read this letter often and it means a lot to me. Without it my life would be very different. This note is important to me because it reminds me of how much I am a part of others life and vice versa. If someone took it from me I would feel very sad and discouraged. Although I would feel horrible if someone took the letter from me, I don't think I would do anything. I would probably just accept the fact that it was gone.

  10. ^^^ uhh the comment above is Annie Barrett...I don't know why it did that.

  11. My most prized possession isn't exactly a possession. It's my job. I guess I'm a workaholic. But I adore my job. I mean, its not anything that special, I'm a sales rep at a clothing store. But I love being there, I love the people I work with, and I love what I do. I think i meat about 5 people a day there, like actually meet and talk to them, not just sell. I've even made some long term friendships with customers. And my team means the world to me. I absolutely adore them. I feel like this job will take me very far with my professional life and will continue to give me good experiences and traits to take away. If I ever had to quit or got fired for some reason, i would be devastated. I'm sure eventually I would get over it. But as of now, I don't think I'll ever be able to feel as good with my profession as I do now. I get paid to be somewhere I love with awesome people. Can't really ask for anything better.

  12. I don't really have any prized possessions, because most of the things I own can be replaced. One thing that would bother me a lot is if i didnt have my Ipod. I love listening to music and am always listening to my Ipod. If it got taken away I wouldn't be too upset but I'd feel a lil out of place without it for sure.

  13. I would have to say that the one thing I would care extremely about if someone took it from me, would have to be all my paperwork and writings throughout the years. It’s so important to me because of the meaning all of it has to me. Even if it’s just homework I’ve saved from a previous class, I have the paperwork to go back on them. It’s basically a comfort zone for me. Having all my written pieces saved and stored with me. If someone took that away from me then I feel like I’d truly have nothing. I don’t go after materialistic objects much; I don’t own an iPod, a phone, or even a car. I can live and am living without them, it’s just my writings—that’s a whole other story. I need them in order to carry on basically. Empty is how I’d feel if they were taken. And I know that sounds so stupid and cheesy, but I can really back up my answer. Well I mean I guess I couldn’t do anything to get any of that back, I’d have to start back up off of scratch. So start over would be my answer.

  14. Something I would consider to be a prized possession is a ribbon that I found. What is so significant about the ribbon is where I found it, the day that I found it and what the ribbon represents. I won't go into too many details, but those are the main reasons why the ribbon is so significant to me. If someone took the ribbon away from me, I wouldn't feel lost without it and I wouldn't feel super angry, but I would be upset at the people who took it away from me. I would also be upset with myself for not keeping it in a place where I know someone wouldn't find it, and for missing the chance on keeping something so significant to me.

  15. I would consider my BIG family to be a prized "possession" because they are my whole world. Of course, we have arguments and annoy each other to death a lot, but that's family and at the end of the day we know we love each other unconditionally. My family is important to me for many reasons because they stand by me through thick and thin, they look out for me, they know me better than anyone else, they are the ones who help me get through life everyday, etc. If someone where to take my family away from me I would probably act like Kevin McCallister from Home Alone. I would probably enjoy having time to myself because I have nobody bugging me, but after like a day or so I would definitely feel lonely, miserable and feeling like a part of me is missing. I would do whatever it takes to get my family back home, not matter how much they annoy me. Without family, life is like a toy that didn't come with any batteries or a tree without branches, it's useless.

  16. I would consider my ]family to be a prized possession. There are always those days where we fight and argue, but my family is always their for me no matter what. My family is important to me for many reasons.
    One because they are always their to support me, they look out for me, they know me better than anyone else, they are the ones that always motivate me. If someone where to take my family,I don’t know what I would do. I would feel lonely. I would do whatever it takes to get my family back. Without family life is boring

  17. I would consider my cross necklace that my grandpa gave me as my prized possession. I have had this necklace for a very long time from when he was with us, to now when he is looking down at us. Evertime i see my necklace i think of the times i spend with him how happy he use to get when the whole family was together. When i wear the necklace i always am happy because i know he isnt down here suffering hes looking over us with a big smile.

  18. One of my most prized possessions would be the photos my family and I have taken over the years. It's always nice to look at them and reminisce - they remind me of memories and even people that I've forgotten. If someone were to take these away, I would be really upset. The pictures mean a lot to my family and I, and if they were to just vanish, it would be like losing an old friend.

  19. My most prized possessions are home videos of my grandparents and aunts and uncles to remind me of all of the good times we had with them. There are many moments that I will never forget, but there are some small things that they said or did that when I watch them, they always bring a smile to my face.
    If the government took those away from me I would be upset because those were all of the good times that I had with my family over the years. But I would try to reason with them to get the videos back but if they wouldn't, then I would probably just try to remember as many of those moments in the videos as I could and let it go, for fear of being persecuted.
